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Ricardo Covo

Every moment is an opportunity to be kind, caring and mindful. Always aim to create positive impact around you.​

I am a Developer, Cloud Architect, Speaker, Coach and Mentor, with a passion for helping others (both companies and people) get to their next level, what ever that may be.

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How to save BIG on Azure with Spot Instances

Nov 16, 2023

How to save BIG on Azure with Spot Instances

Azure Spot Instances are a way to get cheap (up to 90% cheaper) and scalable computing power on the Azure cloud.

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Application Modernization: Strategies for Success - Centrilogic Webinar
March 20, 2024

Unlocking LLM Potential: A Journey with APIs - Microsoft Zero to Hero Community
Livestream - June 4, 2024

Unlocking LLM Potential: A Journey with APIs - Conf42 ML 2024
Livestream - May 30, 2024

Serverless Everything - Microsoft Zero to Hero Community
Livestream - May 2, 2024

Unlocking LLM Potential: A Journey with APIs - Microsoft Reactor
Livestream - April 22, 2024

Not ready for Kubernetes? Alternatives for your containers. - Global Azure Bootcamp
Toronto, ON - April 20, 2024

Serverless Everything @ DevOps Midwest
St. Louis, MO - April 11, 2024

Application Modernization: Strategies for Success - Centrilogic Webinar
March 20, 2024

Unlocking LLM Potential: A Journey with APIs @ Global AI Bootcamp 2024
Toronto, ON - March 2, 2024

Building Serverless APIS @ API World
Virtual - October 31, 2023 Santa Clara, CA - October 24, 2023

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Positive Leadership Podcast
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How I Built This
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Atomic Habits
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